- prohibition of registration
- запрещение регистрации
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act — Der Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act (Act No. 55/1949) (Afrikaans: Wet op Verbod van Gemengde Huwelike, deutsch etwa Mischehenverbotsgesetz) war ein südafrikanisches Gesetz der Apartheidzeit und Instrument der Rassentrennung. Das Gesetz wurde… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Architects Registration in the United Kingdom — It applies to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Section 2 of the Act prescribes that the Board shall appoint and regulate the functions ascribed to the Registrar. The Act refers to the Registrar by the masculine pronoun in the… … Wikipedia
Natives (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act, 1956 — Apartheid legislation in South Africa Precursors Hut tax Franchise and Ballot Act (1892) Natal Legislative Assembly Bill (1894) General Pass Regulations Bill (1905) Asiatic Registration Act (1906) South Africa Act (1909) Natives Land Act… … Wikipedia
Population Registration Act — Personenzertifikat nach dem Population Registration Act mit der eingetragenen Bevölkerungsgruppe white Der Population Registration Act, Act No 30 / 1950 (deutsch etwa: Bevölkerungsregistrierungsgesetz) war ein 1950 erlassenes Gesetz der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Population Registration Act — The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with their racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheidhttp://www.doh.gov.za/facts/1998/sadhs98/chapter1 … Wikipedia
O. P. Ramaswamy Reddiyar — Omandur Ramaswamy Reddiyar Chief Minister of Madras Presidency In office March 23, 1947 – April 6, 1949 Prime Minister Jawaharlal Neh … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1997 — This is a complete list of all 1840 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1997. NOTOC 1 100* Education (Recognised Bodies) Order 1997 S.I. 1997/1 * Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Ambulance and Paramedic Service… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1996 — This is a complete list of all 2071 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1996. NOTOC 1 100* Insurance Companies (Pension Business)(Transitional Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 S.I. 1996/1 * Sea Fishing… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1992 — This is a complete list of all 1922 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1992. NOTOC 1 100* North Hull Housing Action Trust (Transfer of Property) Order 1992 S.I. 1992/1 * Merchant Shipping (Radio Installations)… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1995 — This is a complete list of all 1,872 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1995. NOTOC 1 100* National Health Service (Optical Charges and Payments) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1995 S.I. 1995/1 * Plymouth… … Wikipedia
List of Statutory Instruments of the United Kingdom, 1990 — NOTOC This is a complete list of all 1646 Statutory Instruments published in the United Kingdom in the year 1990.1 100* Caseins and Caseinates (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 1990 S.I. 1990/1 * Personal Community Charge (Relief) (England)… … Wikipedia